“Rohingya teen charged with murdering step-daughter”

New Straits Times, 22 May 2020.

"Rohingya teen charged with murdering step-daughter"

MediaNew Straits Times
Published Date22 May 2020.
Written ByAhmad Johari Mohd Ali

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 ― A 16-year-old teenager who was charged with the murder of 21 students and two teachers of a religious residential school, was acquitted by the Magistrate’s Court for Children here today, of a drug-related offence.

Magistrate Zilfinaz Abbas also acquitted another boy aged 12, of a similar offence after the Kuala Lumpur Hospital Pathology Laboratory found them negative for drugs.

Lawyers Noor Svetlana Mohd Noor Nordin and Joanne Chua Tsu Fae, who represented the boy and the teenager respectively told reporters after the closed-door proceedings that the prosecution had also withdrawn the charge against their clients.

The duo were charged with inserting ganja and syabu into their bodies at the toilet of the D7 Office of the Criminal Investigation Department, Kuala Lumpur police contingent headquarters here at 11.35am on Sept 16.